Star Wars: Hunters

Hunters Goes Galactic!

Hunters of the Outer Rim Goes Galactic!

Greetings new readers, and welcome back old friends! For those not in the know, our Arena is home to a group of battle-hardened Hunters who challenge each other constantly for the right to proclaim themselves the very best. Each one of our Hunters has a unique set of talents and skills they employ in the Arena to try and prove themselves the victors!

And now we're thrilled to announce that Hunters of the Outer Rim has just been picked up for galactic broadcast by the Outer Rim Sports Network (ORSN). The show you know and love will now be airing across the HoloNet every night of the week!

With this recent influx of funds, the Arena's engineers are already beginning construction on new battlegrounds as well as new ways to best display Hunting prowess! Even more exciting, the additional credits from the deal also means we can increase our roster of Hunters! Who knows what - or who - might come to the Arena in the future?!

This deal was brokered by Arena co-owner Balada the Hutt for an undisclosed sum, granting ORSN the exclusive rights to air Hunters. When asked for comment Balada spoke in rapid Huttese, which her translator summarized as, "This deal is the dawn of a brand-new era for Hunters of the Outer Rim. The show will be bigger, brighter, and more action-packed than anything you've seen before! Tune in or miss out!"

You heard the lady, whether you're buying a ticket to the Arena or watching it on the HoloNet this is one show you WON'T want to miss! Hunters of the Outer Rim - only on ORSN! Stay tuned!

- The Arena

Star Wars: Hunters Arena News