Nox eyed him warily, and then said, "Apology accepted. Perhaps I shouldn't have gotten so angry; I'm not used to having...friends. And I don't want everyone to know my personal business. Do you understand?"
Diago responded, "I do. I LOVE to be the center of attention, but I can respect that that is not your mug of blue milk." He cocked his head at her cheerily, "I will not tell anyone about your friendship, but in return perhaps you will humor me with a little shooting competition? It is not often that I get to go head-to-head with a Hunter who can actually aim."
Nox cocked an eyebrow at him and said, "What makes you think I'd agree to spar with a smelly nerf-herder?"
Diago merely chuckled again, turned his back to a training droid, placed his rifle over his shoulder, and pulled off a glorious headshot facing away from his target. "I expect that you cannot resist a good challenge."
It was Nox's turn to laugh. "If you think that move will impress me you are sorely mistaken. Challenge accepted. I'll see you on the battlefield."
Could it be that Nox and Diago are headed to a Clash? It certainly seems that way!