Vanishing Vibroblades
An update on the Kubaz Rogue. Our insider reports that they saw Glikkin head over to the training area only to discover his famed vibroblades had gone missing. While he was busy patting down his pockets, Utooni strolled by whistling and nonchalantly juggling the blades from hand to hand... to hand to hand. Enraged, Glikkin snatched the blades back and let loose with a honking string of Kubaz. (which we imagine were not compliments, so we won't be sharing them here).
Glikkin immediately raised this issue to Balada who came up with the idea of the two thieves participating in a scavenger hunt - whoever grabs the most items, wins - and earn themselves the title of true Arena Master Thief!
Both Glikkin and Utooni delighted in the idea of the challenge and set off to prove themselves the best. Stay tuned Arena fans as we keep you updated on their progress!
- The Arena