"Eyewitnesses report that the fight began when Aran took the last serving of deep fried nuna legs and Imara said something to him that set him off. The pair began a rather loud argument, that resulted in Imara knocking his tray of food onto the floor, and then devolved into absolute chaos. As to who shot first, reports are conflicting with some claiming that Aran had his blasters out the second the food hit the floor, while others claim that Imara had already drawn her weapon before that. Onlookers dove for cover as a volley of blaster shots rang out across the chow room, scoring tables and chairs and setting fire to more than a few decorative plants. Thank goodness no-one was hit!
It was at this juncture that J-3DI attempted to step in and break up the fight with a well timed Faux-Pull directed at Aran. The Mandalorian was too fast for him, and shoved a bewildered Grozz into the path of the attack. Bystanders fled as the giant Wookiee hurtled through the chow room, only to land with an epic crash on top of poor J-3DI.
We can only imagine that the fight would have continued, if not for the arrival of Daq Dragus who fired four warning shots of a blaster into the ceiling and roared ""Save it for the Arena!"" He put his arms around both of the combatants and led them out. Oddly the two seemed in good spirits as they left - perhaps they got it out of their system. The last thing our insider saw was a hoard of cleaning droids descending on the chow room to assess the damage. Balada will NOT be pleased!
- The Arena"