Star Wars: Hunters

All About Aran

Boz Vega: This is Arena announcer Boz Vega bringing you an exclusive interview with our very own Aran Tal! Aran, tell us about yourself - who IS the man behind the helmet?

Aran Tal: I'm the last surviving member of Clan Tal - the GREATEST of all the Mandalorian clans!

Boz Vega: Yes, that's right. One of the clans tragically wiped out by the Empire during the Night of a Thousand Tears. I'm sorry -

Aran Tal: When I find out who is responsible, I will smite them with the fury of Clan Tal!

Boz Vega: Ah, yes, of course! I wish you the best in tracking them down... So, uh, would it be okay if I asked you about something a little lighter?

Aran Tal: Lighter? I can talk about flamethrowers, if you like? (shows equipment on wrists) Fire ERUPTS out of these vambraces, instantly striking fear into the hearts of my enemies!!

Boz Vega: (nervously) Okay... uh, great! What else can you tell our audience about your equipment, then?

Aran Tal: Besides the flamethrowers, I routinely wield twin blaster pistols and a jetpack.

Boz Vega: (more calmly) That IS interest-

Aran Tal: - which, by the Great Forge of Mandalore, I will use to bring the flames of justice to any who attempt to thwart my mission!

Boz Vega: Right, of course! Speaking of missions, I imagine your equipment also comes in handy while you're bounty hunting?

Aran Tal: (Stands up so suddenly his chair is knocked backward) Who told you those lies!

Boz Vega: (Speaking to someone offstage) I...I thought we had all these questions fact checked?

Aran Tal: I may have taken on one or two mercenary roles, but I would never degrade myself to work alongside bounty hunting scum!

Boz Vega: Sorry...aren't bounty hunters and mercenaries kind of similar jobs?

Aran Tal: This interview is over! (He grabs his helmet and storms out of the room).

Boz Vega: (Trying to recover) Well, there you have it Arena Fans - Aran Tal, a... passionate... man with a tragic and mysterious past. What will we learn about him this season? You'll have to tune in to find out!

- Boz Vega

Star Wars: Hunters Arena News