Boz Vega: This is Boz Vega attempting, uh, to bring you the latest from our Hunters. Today we've got another exclusive interview, this time with a Hunter we're sure you are all familiar with - Imara Vex!
Imara Vex: Thank you Boz for giving me a platform to speak my mind. So the first thing I'd like to say is -
Boz Vega: Err, hold on. I haven't asked a question yet.
Imara Vex. This is true. Now, as I was saying, Aran Tal's views on bounty hunting are baffling. For a start, aren't some Mandalorians actually known for it? Does he think he's better than them? Than me?!
Boz Vega: Um... I'm not sure. He's a little hard to get information out of.
Imara Vex: Exactly. He doesn't say anything about himself. Except that he's a merc. Right?
Boz Vega: Err, well, yes, he did mention he's had one or two mercenary jobs.
Imara Vex: See? He gets paid to do a job, as do I. Same thing, wouldn't you say?
Boz Vega: I mean, you both receive money for your work, yes. I believe (cough) one difference might be that your pockets stay full after a job, whereas it's rumored that Aran -
Imara Vex: Aran Tal is full of one thing - hot air. You've got to agree with that, right, Boz?
Boz Vega: Well, technically, provided he is actually a human under all that armor, then, yes, there would be some at least room temperature oxygen in his system...
Imara Vex: You got that right. His moralizing amounts, effectively, to nothing. As is the amount of patience I have left attempting to explain his righteousness. He just wants to look better than us hard-working folks even if he's doing the same kriffing thing. Anyways, I think that's all the time I've got. Was a pleasure speaking to you, Boz. (leaves)
Boz Vega: Thanks... I think? (to camera) Well, there you have it Hunters fans, hopefully that's cleared things up on how these two view their respective places in the world and what they think of each other. I can't imagine this rivalry is going to end soon, so stay tuned as we continue to bring you the latest!
- Boz Vega