Our insider has the latest scoop on Aran Tal! Apparently Tal found a gift-wrapped box on the floor in his dressing room. Thinking it might be a trap, Aran decided the most prudent thing to do was to incinerate the present with a flamethrower until nothing was left but a pile of ash. Safety first.
Later it was revealed that the senders of the present were our lovable Wookiee Grozz and his partner in gifting, Zaina. The rebel war hero explained that the gift in question was a handmade doll of Aran that Grozz had spent much of the last week crafting. Upon seeing the remnants of the doll, Grozz said, through Zaina, that he wasn't mad, just disappointed.
Our insider also said that even though it's rare to see our ineffable Kashyyykian anything less than exuberant, this time they saw a single tear come from the corner of Grozz's eye, once he saw what had become of the present. Aran to his credit did apologize and offered a single ash-encrusted button - the last remnant of the doll - back to Grozz, which he accepted, before walking back to his room and closing his door. The last thing our insider reported was they've never heard a Wookiee whimpering before, and that they hope they never will again.
- The Arena