The winner of the challenge has been decided - it's Aran Tal! In his words, he's happy he's won - but even happier that he believes Imara will admit that bounty hunting is a "lowly, scum-ridden profession only fit for greedy shabs."
In response, Imara has said she never agreed to that clause, and still believes her profession is the same - in essence - as Tal's.
Aran's response: "I told you bounty hunters were scum." He then declared he's going to give half his winnings to foundlings. Who they are exactly, are still to be determined.
Fun Fact: Did you know that at one point in history Mandalorian beskar armor could repel blaster fire? One of the most recent additions to our library claims the only thing stronger in the galaxy than that is a Gungan's imperviousness to ridicule! There are a fair few smudges on our older holobooks, so our translation may not be one hundred percent accurate, but we'd like to think it's true!
For now, congratulations to Aran Tal on his successful skirmish!
- The Arena