Star Wars: Hunters

Not Here to Make Friends

If you caught Boz’s interview with Nox then, like us, you’ll have been waiting with bated breath for Rieve’s response to the accusation that she’s an assassin in name only. Well, we didn’t have to wait long because ALL the drama came to a head today in the Training Ground! It was another group training session and Rieve arrived in a fury and began cutting down training droids with her lightsaber before the other Hunters had even finished suiting up. There would have shortly been no training droids left standing if Nox hadn’t appeared, causing the Dark Side Assassin to turn her attention to a new target.

Rieve launched herself through the air, screaming in rage, but was flung to the ground by one expertly aimed arrow from Nox. Rieve leapt back to her feet and took another charge at Nox, this time scouring her on the shoulder with the saber before Nox let loose a remote that vented poison gas. Rieve was momentarily paralyzed, giving Grozz enough time to intervene and pin her arms down by her sides so she couldn’t continue the attack. Rieve struggled with all her might against the Wookiee, but eventually gave up when it was clear she wasn’t going to get free.

Once Rieve had sufficiently calmed down, Grozz released her, and it was then that Nox approached her and complimented her on her fighting style. The two began discussing battle strategy and seemed to be getting along great with this shared interest, but the harmony was short-lived. Rieve attempted to offer Nox an olive branch by inviting her to the Hunter’s team social so she could get to know them better and Nox refused! She was overheard telling Rieve she had no interest in getting to know the other Hunters better, or in getting to know Rieve better, she was fine all on her own.

Rieve drew her saber to have another go at the Zabrak Archer, but Arena co-owner Daq Dragus intervened and told them if they wanted to settle the score, they could do it in the Arena. Rieve vowed she’d knock some sense into Nox, while Nox only responded by prepping her bow for combat. Who will win in a battle between assassins? Stay tuned to find out!

Star Wars: Hunters Arena News