Sentinel: You mean that fuzzy womp rat that rode a stolen Imperial vehicle into the Arena?
Boz Vega: Whoa, careful Sentinel – Pilbush may be small, but we’ve seen her in the Arena, and she is one tough fighter!
Sentinel: TOUGH!? I say her attacks are all flash and no explosion, and that…what does she call it, an AT-ET? She's not even spelling it right. That thing should have been decommissioned before it was even built. It’s an insult to the beauty of Imperial engineering.
Boz Vega: I'm surprised to hear you have such strong feelings about our new Hunter…maybe her appearance is bringing up some bad memories from a certain Battle of Endor?
Sentinel: That’s a low blow, Vega! Besides, I wasn't at the Battle of Endor, or you can bet the outcome would have been in the Empire’s favor.
Boz Vega: Of course, I just meant…
Sentinel: Listen up and listen good – it’ll be a cold day on Mustafar before you EVER see another stormtrooper bested by an Ewok. I'm going to show that furry voorpak what Imperial might really looks like! (Sentinel storms out of the room, knocking a hot cup of caf directly onto Boz’s lap).
Boz Vega: Ow! Hot, hot! (Boz dances around the room, eventually cooling down enough to speak). There you have it folks, in the battle between a stormtrooper and an Ewok there can be no compromise. We'll see you in the Arena!
- Boz Vega"