Aran Tal

Star Wars: Hunters
Star Wars: Hunters

Mandalorian Vanguard

Arena Persona

Everyone loves a heroic champion, and Aran Tal does not disappoint. As the last scion of Clan Tal, wearing its ancestral armor, he bears the weight of his familial responsibility with dogged determination. When this warrior of justice jetpacks into the Arena, guns a-blazing and fountains of flame licking at the air, the roar from the crowd is deafening.

A man of high morals, Aran Tal is always at odds with Imara Vex, whom he views as lacking in integrity. Vex, in turn, views Aran as target practice.

Star Wars: Hunters
Star Wars: Hunters


Dual Blaster Pistols

Double the blasters, double the justice! Aran Tal’s Dual Blaster Pistols will strike fear into the Hunters who deserve retribution.



Aran Tal's arsenal allows him to leap into the fray of battle, do devastating damage, and then just as quickly escape retaliation.

Jetpack around the arena, throwing large gouts of flame in front of you.
Star Wars: Hunters
Star Wars: Hunters

Meet the Hunters