Prepare for an epic new Season of Star Wars: Hunters, 'Empire Resurgent’!
Imposing Imperial security droid K-A0S storms into the Arena, ready to unleash her powerful Tank-class abilities. Season 2 also introduces a thrilling new battlefield inspired by Darth Vader’s iconic castle, plus an all-new Arena Pass with cosmetics, stickers and more to be unlocked.
Earn exclusive in-game rewards with this Season’s Arena Pass. Get exclusive access to K-A0S the new Hunter and cosmetic rewards!
Upgrade to the All Access Arena Pass to unlock K-A0S!
K-A0S arrives in the Arena. Her enhanced armaments take the brutality of the Empire's KX-series security droid to a whole new level.
Battle through the halls of Lord Vader's Castle, a battlefield themed after his fortress on the volcanic planet Mustafar.
Time to settle the score in the Power Paradox, this Season's Clash Event focused on K-A0S and Grozz!
Play Star Wars: Hunters this Season to unlock the following rewards for free:
Get everything from the free Battle Pass, plus: