Nox is a Zabrak Archer originally hailing from a small village on Iridonia. As a child, she was forced to escape her home after a mysterious group of assailants attacked her family and kidnapped her sister. Out in the wilds, she survived by training every day so she could protect herself and plan her revenge. She learned how to create poisons out of acid pools, and relentlessly practiced with her bow - her only companion. Her skills were eventually noticed by the Order of the Night Wind, who later took her in as one of their own. Nox eventually left the Night Wind to come to the Arena, with the hope that she could use the spotlight to generate leads and funding to go toward finding her sister.
Nox is a loner through and through, giving Rieve a run for her credits. When not in the Arena, Nox searches across the galaxy for her sister.
Composite Bow
Nox fires arrows that deal massive headshot damage. Hold to charge for increased accuracy and damage.
Nox is a highly skilled Hunter who excels at long range with the help of her Composite Bow. Nox can use her Aerial Dodge and Jump Boost abilities to avoid enemies and find space to take the perfect shot!